Tips For Caring For Your Pregnant Cat
March 4, 2022

Pregnancy in cats is a major event and if you are considering allowing your cat have kittens, get set for an adventure. More often than not, a mother cat can take care of itself without external help. But, there are certain things you could do to make the pregnancy journey easier for the cat.

     Establish that your cat is pregnant

Your pregnant cat requires more attention than usual. As a result, pregnancy verification will help you upgrade the care and attention you give. Unlike humans, you cannot carry out a blood or urine test to confirm pregnancy. Instead, you can observe your cat closely for a physical manifestation of pregnancy.

One of the earliest signs is the pinking of the nipples—other signs include weight gain, and sleepiness. If you suspect your cat might be pregnant, it is best to take her to an experienced vet for examination. A good vet can feel the abdomen of kittens. Alternatively, they can carry out an ultrasound scan to detect heartbeats within your cat.

     Step up the cat’s nutrition

Now that you’re sure your cat is pregnant, it’s time to treat it with the special care and attention it deserves. You’ll observe that your cat begins to crave and demand more attention. It might want to always be around you or snuggle. As the cat owner, it’s your responsibility to meet its emotional and other needs.

An excellent way is to step up its nutrition. The reason is that a pregnant cat has more dietary needs compared with a non-pregnant cat. Essentially, you need to stock up on high-quality and nutrient-dense food. Remember that you’re not just feeding the cat but the kittens yet to be born. The cat’s food should be rich in proteins and calcium. When your pregnant cat is well-fed, you will not be under so much pressure to buy expensive vitamins and supplements.

     Monitor the pregnancy.

Since your cat is emotionally and physically fragile due to the pregnancy, you should pay more attention. It would help if you watched out for physical or emotional changes. Also, you should be ready to report any abnormal development to your vet. You’ll notice that more often than not, your pregnant cat would crave solitude and spend more time sleeping. So, it’s essential to give it the privacy it needs while keeping a safe distance to watch it for delivery.


While you provide critical care to your pregnant cat, you should also be prepared for the birthing process. There are chances that you may not know when exactly your cat gives birth. Ideally, you should prepare a birthing space or nest for your pregnant cat. However, most cats deliver in isolation. If your cat requires solitude, ensure that you provide the most support.