How To Determine If Your Intended Travel Destination Is Safe
March 10, 2022

If you intend to travel on a journey but aren’t sure if the destination is safe, there are several resources you can use to decide. With outbreaks of diseases, wars and conflicts scattered around the globe, you certainly don’t want to be caught in the crossfire. This article will look at a few tips to help you determine if an intended travel destination is safe.

  • Check relevant government websites for COVID guidelines

Getting acquainted with relevant COVID-19 guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is essential. You should also review the COVID-19 FAQ page on the American embassy website of your intended destination to be sure you meet the entry requirement of your target destination.

  •   Leverage social media

Facebook groups rank an excellent place to find information about your target destination. You can easily find region-specific information on the place’s safety on digital nomad or expatriate groups related to the country or city you want to visit. For instance, if you are traveling to an unknown destination, search for general digital nomad groups.

Such groups usually have thousands of members. You can leverage the search feature in the group by simply typing your destination to find out if anyone has asked for relevant information.

  •  Read blogs

Reading travel blogs and articles related to your target destination could give you access to proper safety and travel information. Note that the internet is filled with thousands of blogs and websites, many of them providing wrong or irrelevant content. Therefore, only visit websites and blogs with a strong reputation for dishing out the correct information.

  •  Consult your existing network

Your existing community is a great place to get relevant information about your target destination. You can create a post on your Facebook or Twitter page asking for the opinion of your contacts about specific destinations. Also, you could ask family or friends who have traveled to that location before. Leveraging on the experiences of others is the easiest way to avoid the mistakes they made in the past.

  • Global rankings

There are different global indicators that you can use to ascertain how safe a country or city is. For instance, the Global terrorism index will show you where your intended destination ranks among countries about terrorism. Also, countries with poor economies are more likely to have higher crime rates and may not be the best destinations. Using key indicators can save you the stress of traveling to dangerous places.

Final thoughts

Most humans have a deep-seated desire to travel and explore the world. Still, with several issues such as insecurity, the outbreak of pandemics and terrorism, one has to be sure of a destination before traveling. The tips in this article will help you make the right choice of destination eventually.