Five Best Travel Destinations In The World And Why You Should Visit Them
March 20, 2022

There are thousands of destinations worldwide that offer their unique attractions. Still, most tourists seek destinations with fantastic inspiration and a serene environment that secludes them from the buzz and rush of daily activities. Here are lists of s uch unique locations around the world.

Machu Picchu, Peru

If you plan to visit one of the best tourist sites in South America, Peru’s Machu Picchu is the place to be. Machu Picchu is an ancient ruin city with well impressive reserved historical sites. A significant part of the city is located at the top of mountains covered with green vegetation, making it an excellent site to marvel at. The architectural masterpiece of the ancient city is one of the most preserved cities to date. Limited numbers of touri sts are only allowed per day into the ancient city to enhance visitors’ experience allowed into the city.

The great wall of China

Located in a land (country) occupied by skyscrapers and modern cities, the Great Wall of China was built between the 14 th and 17 th centuries in the imperial china era, and it stretches for about 21,196 kilometers. The wall was created as a form of fortification to protect the northern borders of ancient Chinese states from various nomadic groups. Apart from its protective purpos e, it also served as a border control area used for regulating trades and the movement of people in and out of the city.

Eiffel tower, Paris

One of the most symbolic landmarks in France and the world is the Eiffel tower. It was named after the engineer who se company designed and built the building, and he goes by the name “Gustave Eiffel.” The tower was constructed with wrought iron, and it is located in Paris, it is popularly nicknamed by the local populace as “La dame de fer,” which means iron lady in Eng lish. The tower has become one of the most preferred spots for couples looking for romantic scenery. The building is categorically marked as a lovers’ getaway spot worldwide.

The Colosseum, Rome in Italy

This is another beautiful spot for tourists to visi t. It is the most famous and largest ancient architectural structure still standing from the Roman Empire era. The structure is situated at the center of the ancient city of Rome in Italy with an oval amphitheater design. The construction of the ancient st ructure first started in the era of Vespasian, a Roman emperor between (69 -79AD) and it was completed in 80 AD by Emperor Vespasian’s successor and heir emperor Titus. The Colosseum is another tourist site every traveler should visit.

Giza Pyramid in Egyp t

The Giza pyramid, also known as the pyramid of Khufu or the pyramid of Cheops, is one of the largest and tallest structures built by man for about 3800 years. It stands at the height of 146.5 meters, and it was built as a tomb for one of the Egyptian pha raohs known as “Khufu,” located in Cairo, Egypt. The pyramids of Giza are one of the world’s seven wonders of the ancient world. It is another tourist site that every tourist should not miss.


From the Great Wall of China to the pyramids of Giza , there are many travel destinations all over the world that every tourist should visit.